Here is a robotic mower that can tackle any terrain thanks to its tracked treads. The Lymow One robot mower can cover 1.75 acres on a daily basis. It has powerful brushless motors and dual blades to cut your grass efficiently. It has AI obstacle avoidance and RTK-VSLAM navigation. Hera are the specs:
- 1.2-4-inch cutting height
- 16-inch cutting width
- 80 zones
- 2 -inch vertical obstacle clearance
- 6000 RPM blade speed
- 100% max slope
This mower has high speed fans to distribute grass clippings evenly. The app lets you set up no go zones and put the robot on a schedule. This AI robot can see and avoid common objects in your yard, such as a sprinkler or pets. It has binocular AI vision, ultrasonic sensors, blade fender, off-ground detection, and an emergency button. For security, it has a geo-fence alarm, device lock, and GPS tracking.