ChatGPT has already been integrated into many devices. When it comes to it, most people think of robots and other smart home products. The Jethro V1 happens to be a ChatGPT integrated AI mouse. It has buttons that you can use to activate voice typing, translation, and AI assistant features.
This gadget doesn’t require any subscription to work (for Kickstarter subscribers). It has 3 AI buttons right out of the box. Its microphone is designed to capture your speech accurately. The main button gives you instant access to a chatbot. The smart toolbar button allows for text and voice translation in over 100 languages. The Virtusx Jethro V1 can help you with PowerPoint/image generation, and summarization.
V-AI assistants come with prompts and 19 writing tools. You can also use them to create PowerPoints fast. This gadget is compatible with Windows and macOS devices. It has DPI sensitivity from 800 to 4000.